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Friday, October 28, 2011

The Grace of God by Andy Stanley

I have been furnished with a free copy of this book by in return for the writing of this review. I have not been paid otherwise, and all opinions stated in this review are my own.

The Grace of God by Andy Stanley is an insightful and well-written book that traces the subject of grace through the scriptures. Stanley is an author, pastor and founder of North Point Ministries, Inc. located in the Atlanta area. He has written numerous books in the Christian genre and is a strategic church planter through North Point Ministries. Stanley gracefully lays open the topic with intelligence and humor. This writing is deeply challenging; although, completely relatable to our modern everyday lives.

Stanley broaches the subject of law vs. grace in Chapter Four of The Grace of God. Of The Decalogue, Stanley remarks, “The Ten Commandments do not stand in contrast to grace; they are introduced within the story of God's grace” (Stanley 2011, 53). The author goes on to confirm that “God's law is never given to establish a relationship; God's law is given to confirm an existing relationship” (Stanley 2011, 64). How freeing it is to have the truth of grace, which is so easily confused, pinpointed in such understandable terms. After digesting this book one is left with an undeniable understanding that regardless of our striving, each of us are flawed human beings, existing in a fallen world, with an extraordinary God Who has bridged that crevasse by His Grace. Fleshly pride can not breathe in the atmosphere of this truth. I would recommend this book to anyone who desires a deeper understanding of God's relational intention toward humanity.

Stanely's stance on grace is supremely healthy, it leaves one with the feeling of a warm hug from our heavenly Father.

Reverend Patricia Paige Harrison

1 comment:

  1. [Quote: Stanley's stance on grace is supremely healthy, it leaves one with the feeling of a warm hug from our heavenly Father].

    As does 2 Cor 12 v9: "My GRACE is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness".
    1 Cor 15 v10: By the GRACE of God I am what I am, and his grace to me was not without effect.

    Carry on the good work Patti.


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